Professional Dissertation Proofreading Service for PhD Papers

The doctoral degree opens the author the way to big science. A dissertation is a research work that provides for public submission. Naturally, to write and submit a dissertation, you will have to work a lot and go through many stages of verification and improvement.

A qualitative Ph.D. thesis implies intensive scientific work for several years. We do believe you have done a significant research project. The author should carry out proofreading and formatting by themself. However, at this stage, many candidates need the help of our specialists.

When submitting your dissertation for proofreading, remember that it is the final stage of checking your work. If you have already made additions and dissertation editing but still have doubts about the final version, you need to consult your supervisor.

In fact, proofreading is a more technical process. It leads your thesis following the technical requirements of the academic community. The dissertation proofreading makes sense after at least one edit check. Then our professional proofreaders do their best.

What to Expect from Dissertation Proofreading

Our proofreading task is just to help you align your dissertation with rules and academic requirements. Our company provides such dissertation proofreading services:

  • elimination of grammar errors;
  • adjustment of word choices;
  • correction of typos, punctuation errors, etc. that do not require coordination with the author;
  • text formatting (margins, fonts, spacing, spaces, indents, page numbering);
  • formatting of contents table, titles, subtitles, titles of figures and charts, their numbering;
  • registration of uniformity in all parts and elements of the dissertation;
  • formatting citations, references, applications.

Our proofreaders always strive for perfection. As a result of proofreading and formatting, you will receive recommendations on controversial fragments waiting for the author’s decision. Customer satisfaction is the key to successful collaboration. Numerous positive reviews of our clients confirm the quality of the dissertation proofreading service. Let nothing prevent you from laying a doctoral path.

Why Students Entrust Proofreading to Us

Your dissertation is a contribution to the development of society. In this way, you pursue ambitious goals and perfect problem solving by academic means. Despite broad views and serious scientific research, incompatibility of the dissertation with the requirements may deprive you of success.

Don’t let little things like proofreading and editing get in the way of a doctoral degree. Dedicate yourself to science, and we guarantee you:

  • Our team has only professional proofreaders with sufficient accreditation to improve your thesis.
  • Often, a student has limited time for proofreading after dissertation editing by a supervisor. We are ready to provide a full range of services in the shortest possible time. Calm down; we cope with all the requirements on time.
  • Reliability. Academic dissertation proofreading is our specialty. We respect your copyright and guarantee confidentiality.
  • Online support. Collaboration with the author helps to achieve the desired results quickly. Our experts are available at any time. The company works without weekends and breaks. You can contact us right now.
  • Affordable prices. People of science are very valuable to our team. We are ready to provide you with any support and assistance with a dissertation paper, so we offer a system of discounts. Our prices are available for everyone.

We are ready to proofread your dissertation right now. If you need it, our experts offer you any consultation before ordering.

Proofreading and Editing are Better Options for Dissertation

The thesis is a complex and voluminous work. Many sources, citations, and references may affect the structural and stylistic sequence. Our company offers the option of editing and proofreading in combination.

Editing involves improving the composition and structure and eliminating omissions and stylistic, logical, and other errors. If you need a competent, coherent, logical, well-structured text, use the services of professional editors.

Editing and proofreading service includes:

  • Literary editing. It is a correction of lexical, morphological, and syntactic errors. It can also be altering entire text fragments, rebuilding sentences, removing unnecessary repetitions, eliminating ambiguity, etc. The goal is to ensure that the form of the text suits its content. We improve the structure of the text and the construction of logical presentation.
  • Stylistic editing. It involves bringing the author’s text to a single style or changing the existing style. All changes that relate to stylistic improvements are proposed in notes so that the author can make the final decision himself.
  • Scientific editing. It is relevant when more careful editing is required from the point of view of professional or scientific subtleties, the specificity of the text. The essential element is editing tables, formulas, technical illustrations, diagrams, and graphs following the standards.

The Main Differences Between Editing and Proofreading

The first is the amount of work. They are very different in time-consuming. Proofreading is a check for various errors. In fact, literacy is being corrected without considering the terminology and the correct application of particular meanings of words.

Editing is a more thorough and enduring process. The editor should penetrate the meaning of the thesis to produce the most meaningful and logical variant. The main difference is the involvement of an expert in improving the thesis paper. If the proofreader performs the more technical part of correcting the text, then the editor bears the semantic, logical, and stylistic filling in the text.

When you have written your dissertation, you need to check the content of your work by professionals. Even literate authors resort to the services of proofreaders and editors because, for various reasons, people tend not to notice their mistakes. It is not as expensive as your reputation or dissatisfaction of the target audience.

Our team will be glad to help you. We carefully listen to all your wishes. Your trust is our best reward. You surely deserve the best, so do not hesitate and contact us!

Do you work with urgent orders?

If you left preparing the material “for later” and then simply forgot about it, you can always contact our dissertation correction service for urgent help. There are always free authors here who will immediately start working. The process will take several days. In this case, you will need a minimum of information – the name of the discipline, the topic of the work, the volume and basic requirements of the project manager.

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